Saturday, October 5, 2013

Top 10 Intelligence Of the world by Arham Javeed:

Every nation has its own intelligence agencies for the aegis of its humans and acquisition of important abstruse advice which can appulse their interests. Intelligence agencies are a attribute of country aegis backbone and power. They are, in fact, arm of government.
Today, we accept featured top 10 best intelligence agencies of the apple which are, affectionate of, cardinal the world. Humans alive in these agencies are alleged ˜Secret Agents(Remember James Bond 007). They are loyal adherent humans with absorbing personality .
You accept apparent abounding Hollywood movies about abstruse agents such as Mission: Impossible and James Bond series. These are absolute humans who are alive all over the apple for altered agencies to accumulate abstruse intelligence, and to accomplish several operation for their country abundance and defense. This all content based on realities and truth so be careful about comment on it.
We hope you will not forget it to like and share.

1. ISI(Inter Service Intelligence),Islamic Republic of Pakistan:
Inter Services Intelligence is the world’s best,powerful and strongest intelligence agency as ranked or catagorised  by American Crime News. It is the most notable and admireable intelligence agency of Pakistan. ISI was formed in 1948 as an independent unit to protect the PAK nation and strengthen all the military services. Its headquarter is located at  Shahrah-e-Soharwardi in Islamabad, the capital of Pakistan and Lt Gen Zaheer-ul-Islam is its director. The organization works under a predefined constitutional and legal frame-work.This agency is world best due to their work and Josh.
The agency has played important role in successful operations of Afghan, Siachin, Kargil War and Kashmir Front operation. ISI objectives or aims are to gather important intelligence data,  strengthen country’s security and military forces, and to safeguard the nation from domestic and foreign enemy and terrorists threats.

2. CIA(Central Intelligence Agency), United States

                                                                 CIA, United States

Central Intelligence Agency is AN independent secret intelligence agency of United States of America working under commands of Director of National Intelligence. It was created in 1947 by President Harry S.Truman. The organization is divided into four other departments including the Directorate of Support, the Directorate of Intelligence, the Directorate of Science and Technology and the National Clandestine Service. The organization collects data and insights of different foreign organizations, governments and individuals for the US President and policy makers so that they can analyse and take proper action to ensure security and safety of people of America.

3. MI6(Military Intelligence Section 6), UK

                                                            MI6, United Kingdom

Formed in 1909, Secret Intelligence Service is UK’s best intelligence agency. It has an impressive head quarter, called SIS Building, in Vauxhall Cross, London. The organization works with the Joint Intelligence Committee,  the internal Security Service, the Government Communications Headquarters and the Defence Intelligence, and provide foreign intelligence and secret information about other countries and organizations to Government of United Kingdom.

4. FSB(Fedral Securit Service), Russia

FSB, Russia

Federal Security Service is one of the world’s best intelligence agencies. It is main security agency of Russia and was formed in 1995. The main goals of FSB is to collect information, defend and fight with terrorist and ensure country’s security.Its main office is in Lubyanka Square, Downtown Moscow. It employs more than 250K uniformed staff, special agents and guards.

5. BND(Bundesnachrichtendienst), Germany

Bundesnachrichtendienst is federal intelligence agency of Germany. Created in 1956, it is one of the best and well-organized intelligence agencies in the world. Its headquarters are situated in Pullach near Munich. The main responsibility of BND is to gather intelligence data, detect threats and inform the German Government about terrorist and criminal activities and to safeguard their people.

6. DGSE(Direction Generale DE LA Securite E), France

General Directorate for External Security is regarded as one of the most powerful security agencies. It was formed in 1982 to serve as external intelligence agency for the Government of France. It works under French Ministry of Defense. The organization gain information, defend its people and prevent terrorist activities in the country.

7. ASIS(Australian Secret Intelligence Services) , Australia

Australian Secret Intelligence Service is considered on of the best . It was established in 1952 and has headquarters in Canberra. The main objectives of the agency are to collect secret intelligence & information, analyze activities of other enemy countries and organized criminals and take action for the security and safety of the nation.

8. RAW(Research and analysis Wing), India

Research and Analysis Wing is India’s independent intelligence agency formed in 1968. It is head quartered in New Delhi. The agency collect intelligence and information about foreign government, organization and criminals, provide information to India policy makers and protect country from terrorism. It is also responsible for security of India’s nuclear program.

9. MSS(Ministry of State Security), China

Ministry of State Security is the main intelligence agency of China. The organization was created in 1983. It is responsible for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence operations. MSS is believed to be one of the strongest and largest intelligence agencies in the world.

10. Mossad, Israel

Mossad is the national intelligence agency of Israel. It is one of the world’s best and top-secret intelligence agencies. Mossad was formed in 1949 and its main objectives are intelligence collection, covert operations, and counter-terrorism. Main focus of this organization is on Arab nations and organizations. Mossad has total eight departments, each of them performing special duties assigned to them. It protects Israel from terrorist and criminal acts and work for peace and defense of the country.

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