Tuesday, October 1, 2013

12 funny law's you'd never know were real:

  1. Feeding the pigeons in St Marks Square:Its illegal to feed the pigeons in St Marks Square to feed the pigeons.You could be fined for feeding the pigeons in the Square,which was outlawed in a bed to reduce the pigeons and damage to historic place and structure.This law is very interesting to reduce such birds who can find food everywhere.
  2. Running out of fuel in Germany:Its illegal to run out of fuel when you are driving an auto in Germany.
  3. Diving with sandals or flips in Spain:Its illegal to dive with sandals or flips.Not advised in many case but its a criminal offence in Spain.
  4. Swear in Virginia beach,Virginia,US:In an effort to clear the image of family beach and also a friendly beach,profanity was made an offence in the nineties and if done can lead to be a fine.So its illegal.
  5. Spitting in Barcelona:Frowned upon in general,you can face a fine for spitting in Barcelona,as well as in other destinations around other world.
  6. In Eureka man with mostache is not allowed to kiss a woman.it is illegal their.
  7. In challis,Idhoa it is illegal for man to walk down on street with another man's wife.
  8. In north carolina it is illegal to swear in front of dead people.
  9. Chewing gum is illegal in Singapore.
  10. In Samoa it is crime to forget your own wife birthday
  11. In Lowa after 5 min of kissing  you are breaking the law.
  12.  In Bahrain male doctor only examine a woman through mirror.This law is very interesting.

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5 Polio cases in Fata,Pakistan

National institute of health has conformed 5 new polio case in Fata Pakistan
Official's  of  NIH said that 3 children from north waziristan and 1 from each khyber agency and peshawar are Affected by polio disease.
they said that by the addition of these three child almost 28 child affected this year.
He said that they are runing a campaign with army in these area......
*case breakdown by the countries this year*
1.Pakistan            28
2.Afghanistan       04
3.Nigeria              47
4.Ethopia             03
5.Kenya              14

Iran Fedral Minister accuses Israel's Prime Minister Netanyahu of 'lies':

TEHRAN: Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Tuesday accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of lying in his bounce of Tehran's overtures to the West as a corrective charm offensive.
We accept apparent annihilation from Netanyahu but lies and accomplishments to deceive and scare, and all-embracing accessible assessment will not let these lies go unanswered, Zarif said in an account with Iranian television advertisement on Tuesday.

Zarif was speaking from the United Nations, area Netanyahu was set to abode the General Assembly after the in the day, the aforementioned appointment area endure year he acclimated a animation bomb as a prop to accentuate how abutting he believed Iran was to bearing a nuclear warhead.
For 22 years, the Zionist administration has been lying by repeating endlessly that Iran will accept the diminutive bomb in six months, Zarif said.
After all these years, the apple have to accept the absoluteness of these lies and not acquiesce them to be repeated.
Netanyahu headed to the United States bent to use his UN abode and a White House affair with President Barack Obama on Monday to betrayal what he commendations as sweet talk from Iran about absent to abate Western apropos about its nuclear programme.
At the White House meeting, Netanyahu said it was basic that Iran absolutely dismantles its aggressive nuclear programme.
He apprenticed Obama to accumulate US sanctions in abode throughout negotiations amid Iran and the above admiral over its nuclear programme.
Zarif said that Netanyahu was the a lot of abandoned man at the UN as he able to accord his General Assembly speech.

News from Turkey

Government of Turkey Remove ban on Wearing Islamic Hijab.
From Ankara
Government of Turkey Announced that they will soon remove Ban on headcarave(HIJAB)
In political reforms Prime minister Tayyib Edogan said that with few exception Government servents
would allowed to wear hijab.
However he added that ban will remain on police miltiry and judges.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Easy Step for Better health

Small steps big changes....
It is said that health is wealth Every body in this world wants to become Fit fine and healthy..
Living healthy is not a problem you have to make just simple changes in your life style.And have to make little adjustment to your daily routine work.you will get better result so let us start...
1. First of All drink as much water as you can it will make your face fresh.
2.Do exercise daily about 25-30 min walk is good for health (A latest research said).
3.Eat healthy meal like vegetable and fruits white meal is also good for health.
4.Avoid to eat unhealthy things like fast foods  etc and do not us Alcohol the things like drugs and tabacoo should be avoided.
5.Laughter is also good for health new research's said that about 15 min a day laughter is good for our health
for thus purpose used to watch funny movies that you like.
6.Slow and Deep Breathing is good for health sleep well.

**With Help of above few tips you feel healthy**


There are many super humans in the world that can surprise people from their abilities. Daniel Tammet is one of them he is the one who can calculate faster an then calculator or computer. The scientists have taken many tests of Daniel Tammet and he always proved himself.
Daniel Tammet has an ability to memorize the numbers in sequence and in the video below you can see how he has memorized the numbers and tell them in sequence. Watch the video below and don’t forget to share it with you friends

World best institutes:


2:UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE:England World Second best Institute!

3:Harverd University:world 3RD best

4:University College London:World 4TH best

5:University of Oxford:World 5th best

6:Imperial College London:World 6th Best

7:Yale University:World 7th best

8:University Of Chicago:World 8th Best


10:CALTECH:World 10th Best

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Island Emerge After Earthquake in Balochistan

An Island emerges on the sea in Balochistan after earthquake ;

Our sources said that the new island is about 80 meter long and 20 meter about the level of sea.
It was happened after the movement of tectonic plates....
The scientist said that these type of island are not parmanent it could sink back to sea after 6 month
*people that came to see this amazing island heared the sound of escaping gas which further change into flame when lit*
Nasa release the picture of this Island;

Kenyan intelligence warned of Al-Shabaab threat before mall(Wastegate) attack in last days:

Nairobi, Kenya-- A bulk of Kenya's Chiffonier associates and aegis admiral were warned about the achievability that the alarm accumulation Al-Shabaab(Terrorists) was planning to backpack out a Westgate-style advance a year afore apache stormed the Nairobi mall, according to several badge and intelligence sources.

The warnings were fabricated by the country's National Intelligence Service as allotment of approved situational letters accustomed to chiffonier members, the ambassador accepted of police, associates of the National Security Advisory Council and aggressive intelligence.
A Tv channel has credible an cyberbanking adaptation of those reports, which accommodate an all-encompassing account of alarm threats from several regions beyond Kenya over an continued period, but they aswell specify Al-Shabaab airish a blackmail to several targets, including Westgate Arcade Mall.
The account about the intelligence warnings appear amidst revelations that the capital advantaged by Westerners and tourists was long-considered a accessible alarm target.
A tv Channel(CNN) has aswell abstruse that the Westgate capital attackers bent some of the hostages.
Photos: Kenya mourns capital cutting victims Photos: Kenya mourns capital cutting victims
Bergen: Unlikely women were attackers Nairobi mall: What went wrong? Voices from the Westgate Mall
Military doctors said militants burst hands, cut off noses and, in some cases, hanged hostages. CNN has credible accurate affirmation of one asleep victim with a duke amputated.
Inquiry begins:
Members of Parliament are accepted Monday to activate assay intelligence bosses, including the arch of the National Intelligence Service, over the credible intelligence failures.
The account of the intelligence warnings chase the September 21 alarm advance at Westgate that resulted in a four-day collision that larboard at atomic 67 humans asleep and locations of the arcade centermost destroyed. Dozens are still unaccounted for, possibly active below the rubble.
The attackers claimed to be associates of the Somali-based Al-Shabaab.
Al-Shabaab itself fabricated statements claiming responsibility, including adage on Twitter that it beatific the gunmen in backfire for Kenya's captivation in an African Union aggressive accomplishment adjoin the group, which is al Qaeda's proxy in Somalia.Kenyan armament asleep 5 terrorists, and 11 others are in aegis over accessible links to the attacks, President Uhuru Kenyatta has said.

Immense plan remains:
But an immense bulk of plan charcoal to apprentice how Al-Shabaab, a alarm accumulation anticipation to be abominably aching by contempo losses in its Somalian homeland, was able to cull off such a well-coordinated and audacious attack.
Last year, the Kenyan aggressive was allotment of a peacekeeping force that defeated Al-Shabaab armament to deliver the key Somali anchorage of Kismayo.
Since Kenya launched attacks adjoin Al-Shabaab in Somalia in 2011, the accumulation has hurled grenades at Kenyan churches, bus stops and added accessible places.
It was the deadliest alarm advance in Kenya back al Qaeda blew up the U.S. Embassy there in 1998, killing 213 people.
READ: Dozens of families borderline if admired ones are asleep or alive
Terrorism experts say the advance bears awesome similarities to the 2008 annoy of a auberge in Mumbai, India -- addition flush ambition with Western appeal. Lashkar-e-Taiba, a Pakistani agitator accumulation that attacked the auberge for added than three days, killing 166 people.

Bomb Blast In Peshawar

Pakistan bomb blast :
Another attack on peshawar's oldest market 37 killed

Within a week it is the third atack on peshwar. This is happened on a busy  street in which 37 people are killed.
our repoter said that a vehicle in which 220 kg bomb is used was left in market.
Almost 75 people are now injured in this incident..